Envis Centre, Ministry of Environment & Forest, Govt. of India

Printed Date: Sunday, February 9, 2025

Sri Varadaraja Perumal Temple Garden











Sri Devaraja Swamy Temple, popularly known as Sri Varadarajar Temple is situated at the eastern corner of Kancheepuram, Tamilnadu. Lord Vishnu along with Goddess Perundevi Thayar is worshipped in this temple.






It is one of the Divya Desams, the 108 temples of Vishnu believed to have been visited by the 12 poet saints, or Alwars.It is located in a suburb of Kanchipuram known as the Vishnu Kanchi that is a home for many famous Vishnu temples. One of the greatest Hindu scholars of Vaishnava VisishtAdvaita philosophy, Ramanuja is believed to have resided in this temple






Behind Chakrathazhwar sannidhi is the temple’s Nandavanam or garden. This goes by the name Dorai Thottam.














The garden can be reached through Chakrathazhwar sannidhi and is open early in the morning. There are plenty of coconut trees, mango trees as also Tulasi-vanam, champaka trees and different kinds of flowers like nandiavatai, tuber rose, sampangi etc.














There is a mandapam here where Perundevi Thayar’s Idol is brought for the darshan of the devotees on Fridays. There is also a pond which goes by the name ‘Potramarai-kulam’.

















