Mount Nanda devi is regarded as Goddess Parvathi, who is known as Nanda in the Garhwal & Kumaon areas. The Goddess is closely associated with the socio-cultural practices of Uttaranchal. In fact, Nanda devi means ‘bliss-giving Goddess’. The Goddess has many shrines and temples dedicated to Her in the region.
One of the better-known ones is located at Almora.The annual Nanda Devi mela is held here in the month of September.
Nanda Dev Raj Jat - a Hindu pilgrimage, stretching 280 km through the central Himalayas is also held in the months of August-September every 12 years. Dating back to the 9th century AD, this pilgrimage is symbolic of seeing off Goddess Nanda to her consort Lord Shiva's abode in higher Himalayas after her stay at her parent's place in the lower Himalayas. The pilgrimage is led by a four horned ram on its 19 day schedule from Nauti till Hemkund. The ram is said to be born every 12 years in Chandpurpatti region of Karnaprayag.